
Showing posts from October, 2020


    HOW I FOUND SOLUTION TO MY SMALL PENIS AND PREMATURE EJACULATION PROBLEM!!!!  Do You know? small and weak erection with a problem of premature ejaculation can be solved using natural and organic herbs. Many of these herbs have been in existence from beginning of times but we have ignored there importance. In some cases, the ability to maintain a hard erection after few seconds or penetration is lost. No matter how you try to force it back into the vagina. Boom! that's where the embarrassment comes in. According to science, the average erect penis is 4.7 to 6.3 inches in length. Being that this is just an average, penis size can vary greatly. Nevertheless, many still have an erection small than usual coupled with premature ejaculation.  What Causes Small Erection and Premature ejaculation There are various factors  that can contribute to having a poor penis size erection and premature ejaculation, including medical conditions; particularly diabetes or heart conditions. Tobacco u